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Writer's pictureDr. Kevin Walker

We all deserve to be wealthy, but you gotta believe!

Once upon a time, I thought wealth was only reserved for a select few. I also believed I needed a significant income to live a wealthy lifestyle. Fortunately for me, a series of events afforded me a mindset change. History has shown that no matter your situation, you can be wealthy if you desire it. Your wealth is balanced between your income, spending, savings, investments, and asset protections. Strategic management of these elements allows wealth to be designed to construct the life you want. To succeed, it’s essential to have the right attitude toward money and learn how to build wealth over time. But it’s just as important to understand why wealth matters in the first place. This post is about helping you know that wealth can affect your life beyond just making more money and that you deserve to be wealthy.

Contrary to popular opinion, wealth is not just about money. Money is undoubtedly a vital portion. However, wealth is also a state of mind rooted in self-worth and prosperity [2]. It’s an abundant state of having enough money, health, and freedom to live in whatever way you choose. The keyword here is enough! To find true wealth, you must start thinking about wealth differently than most people. The first step toward transforming how we think about wealth is understanding that there are two types of “rich .” There is the situation of high income, which we often conceive of as rich. But there is also the situation of affluence, which I consider to be wealth. Affluent (aka wealthy) people possess abundant resources and freedom in all forms.

When you grasp this perspective on wealth, you start to understand it to be achievable no matter your current state. Hopefully, you also realize that - as a natural right - you deserve to be wealthy. You may think that you don’t deserve to have more than you need. Perhaps you’re worried that if you were rich, it would mean that someone else would be poor. Or the idea of being wealthy feels like a myth - a fantasy reserved for other people who are smarter or harder working than you are. The unfortunate truth is that most people don’t have the self-worth required for success because they have never been taught how to make their own money, let alone value themselves enough to believe they deserve riches beyond basic survival needs like food and shelter. Despite the perceived constraints of our economic systems, there is enough wealth to go around [3,4]. So realistically, everyone deserves to be wealthy!

If you work hard and act strategically, you can live in abundance. But the truth is that many people won’t put in the time or effort to achieve their potential because they don’t think they deserve it. They don’t realize that everyone deserves wealth. It’s not just for a particular group of people; it belongs to all of us equally. Wealth is a state of mind that is rooted in self-worth and prosperity. Great things will happen if you want to be wealthy and believe you are entitled to prosperity! You deserve a comfortable lifestyle with plenty of space and opportunity for self-expression and joy. And if this is not what’s happening right now, then it’s up to us as individuals and communities to change things, so they do!

I hope you have found this information helpful and learned some new things about wealth. Wealth is a concept that has been used throughout history, and it’s our duty now to make sure we keep the tradition going so future generations of people can enjoy what we have today [1]. Remember: wealth isn’t just money - it’s also about having valuable experiences and time with loved ones who care about us. It is a state of mind that is rooted in self-worth and prosperity. You deserve that!


  1. Acreman, Thomas. 2016. “A History of Personal Wealth.” Classic History. Thomas Acreman (pen name). March 20, 2016.

  2. Samuel, Lawrence. 2015. “The Psychology of Wealth | Psychology Today.” Psychology Today. Psychology Today. December 5, 2015.

  3. Foster, John. 2011. “Economic Systems.” In Philosophy of Complex Systems, 509–30. Elsevier.

  4. Lord, Bob. 2019. “There’s Plenty of Wealth to Go Around, But It Doesn’t - CounterPunch.Org.” CounterPunch.Org. March 22, 2019.


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